To: ArcGIS users
Re: Switching to ArcGIS 10
Date: Thurs., 2/3, 12:30-1:30pm
Location: Clapp Computing Classroom
More info: Carolin Ferwerda, x2386
[ArcGIS is a tool used to store, view, and analyze data and processes related to space and time.]
ArcGIS 10 will be installed soon in all public computing labs. Learn the 10 things you need to know about ArcGIS 10 and get comfortable with the new interface.
No registration required; open to faculty, staff, and students who have experience with ArcGIS. Introductory GIS workshops will be offered later this Spring. Materials will also be posted on Sakai — join the GIS Workshops site in Sakai, select Resources, then ArcGIS 10.
Best regards,
Veronica Brandstrader
Director, Planning & Communication, IS