After careful consideration, LTS has decided to pilot 24×7 access to Clapp Library for Spring 2013. All current faculty, staff, and students will be given OneCard swipe access to the main Clapp and Knapp Center doors. If the pilot goes well, this access will be extended to all times the College is open. Please note: Clapp Library may close overnight during significant weather events.
Library hours — during which community members can receive full services via our professional and student staff — will remain the same. Patrons visiting outside of these hours will have access to study spaces, information, and many technical resources, but technical / library assistance and access to some specialized technologies (e.g., plotter, circulating equipment) will be unavailable.
For Spring 2013, doors to the Library will lock at 10pm Sunday-Thursday, even though the building will be staffed until midnight, to reduce the number of hours non-Wellesley patrons have access to the building.
Please contact Heather Woods with questions and suggestions as we implement these changes.
To: Faculty, students, staff
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Heather Woods, LTS, x3175