Come to an open tutorial on how to best use the new library/computing lab printers: color and black & white. Learn how to copy, print, staple, and scan to email; print single and double-sided; troubleshoot and/or get help.
Meet at the Clapp Service Desk for a 15-minute introduction to the new printers and have all of your questions answered.
- Offered every 15 min. between noon and 1pm: 12:00 | 12:15 | 12:30 |12:45
- This week: Tues 9/17 | Thurs 9/19 | Fri 9/20
- Next week: Mon 9/23 | Tues 9/24 | Thurs 9/26 | Fri 9/27
Can’t make a session? Email papercut-support and additional times can be set up.
To: Faculty, students, staff
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Heather Woods, LTS, x3175