We’ve recently upgraded to Sakai 10, which has features like drag-and-drop file upload, an improved syllabus, and group assignments. More info: https://www.sakaiproject.org/sakai-10
In the world of Google, a new version of Drive is coming on 2/17 — one feature is Details, showing a preview of the file, who has access, and recent activity/edits. Google Add-ons, third party tools that integrate with Google Apps, are available. Examples include mail merge, new fonts, and merging data in two columns.
A new version of MyWellesley will be available soon for your perusal and feedback.
If you need a resource that Wellesley does not have or is currently checked out, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) will do their best to get it for you. Check out the new libguide on ILL’s many services, available from the ILL webpage.
We provide support for more than 900 events each year. We request a 2-week notice for Media Services and for administrative and student events, a budget number in advance. More info.
Free Microsoft Office365 one-year subscriptions for students, faculty, and staff have been extended to January 2016. Faculty/staff now have access to all features, including a free install of Microsoft Office and mobile apps.
Clapp and the Science Library have two new color printers, you can pay for printouts immediately, and CloudPrint is more reliable.
If you haven’t, take a moment and set up desktop/laptop backup using CrashPlan Pro. It works so quietly in the background you won’t know it’s there. If ever your hard disk crashed or you mistakenly deleted files, you can retrieve them relatively easily.
Java 7 works well with Banner ERP and many other apps on-campus, so feel free to upgrade when prompted.
We have a couple of new tools on campus to improve experiences on mobile devices. Guidebook.com has been used for a few events this Fall, including orientation and Family & Friends weekend. We are also working with Modolabs to “mobilize” administrative apps most likely to be used on a mobile device.
To: Faculty, students, and staff
From, more info: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171