The college website has a fresh new look! In addition to being more sleek and modern, it is also “responsive” to the type of device it is viewed on. That means, if you visit the site from a laptop, tablet, or phone, the site will be displayed differently, taking advantage of screen real estate and device features. If you’re on a laptop or desktop, drag your browser window to make it smaller, and you’ll see responsive design in action. As mobile use continues to grow dramatically, having a website that works well on a mobile device is increasingly important.
LTS staff worked closely with our colleagues in Communications & Public Affairs to bring their new design to life. We will have a mix of old and new layouts on the site as we make adjustments, and would be happy to receive any feedback. Email, and we’ll make sure it gets to the right people.
To: Faculty, staff, students
From, more info: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171