Did you have a student in 2014 who impressed you with their thorough, strategic, or insightful research? A student who went beyond your expectations for research, somehow surmounted a significant research challenge, or simply demonstrated their command of the research process with their ability to select, locate, evaluate, organize, and analyze appropriate sources?
If so, please encourage them to enter their work from your course in the Student Library Research Awards. The full announcement is attached; feel free to forward it to students you think would be good candidates. Entries require a short 500-750 word essay from the student on their research strategy and process and a letter of support from the supervising faculty member.
In addition to awards for research work from 100/200-level courses and 300-level courses (excluding 360/370s), there are also awards specifically for research work completed by first-year students, or as part of an independent study (250/250H and 350/350H). The work must have been completed in Spring or Fall 2014 to be eligible for this year’s awards.
The deadline for entries is March 2, 2015.
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Laura O’Brien, LTS, lobrien@wellesley.edu