October is National CyberSecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). LTS is sponsoring some great events, and providing security resources and tips throughout the month of October. LTS is partnering with GreyCastle Security, a professional services firm specializing in data security. They will be presenting:
- A Security Awareness Table Game & Trivia Contest on Fri. Oct. 16, 11:00-3:00pm, in the Wang Campus Center.
- 4 Security Awareness Training sessions on Thurs. Oct. 22 in the Library Lecture Room: 2 general security awareness trainings, 1 information security for travelers, and 1 FERPA security training; attendees will enter a raffle for an Amazon gift card.
Other highlights include:
- Award-winning documentary film Code 2600 showings on Wed. Oct. 14, 7:00-8:30pm, and Wed. Oct. 28, 12:30-2:00pm, in the Library Lecture Room; attendees will enter a raffle for an Amazon gift card
- A raffle for an Amazon gift card for students who complete the SANS “Securing the Human” online security training during October.
- Security promotional giveaways and resource materials.
- Security tips of the week on the digital signs throughout campus and on the LTS website.
Check back frequently for updates on these great events! Visit www.wellesley.edu/security for more details.
To: Staff, faculty, students
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: http://www.wellesley.edu/security