Paper Saver: A Conversation with Mary French ’09, Book Conservator
Tuesday, April 3, 4:15–5:30pm
Clapp 141
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Mary French '09

Mary French ’09 was first introduced to the world of book conservation and bookbinding through Katherine M. Ruffin in the Book Arts Lab and Emily Bell at the Conservation Facility at Wellesley College’s Clapp Library. After graduating with a BA in Medieval & Renaissance Studies from Wellesley College, she earned an MA in Conservation Studies from West Dean College in the United Kingdom. Over the past decade, she has performed conservation treatments on a diverse range of materials, including medieval illuminated manuscripts, Charles Darwin’s handwritten scientific notes, Islamic bindings, materials from the World War II Changi prisoner of war internment camp, and thousand-year-old Hebrew and Arabic manuscript fragments from the Cairo Genizah.

Sponsored by Book Studies, the Book Arts Program, the Conservation Facility, and Wellesley Career Education.

To: Everyone
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Katherine Ruffin, LTS, x2130