Here are a few important end-of-semester updates from LTS. If you have any questions, please contact the Computing Help Desk at We hope you have a wonderful summer!

Summer Hours for LTS
Summer hours for LTS locations are available here.

Our campus license for the Adobe suite is changing.  More information will be forthcoming in the fall, but if you will be away next semester and use the Adobe license at home, please email for assistance in updating your license before you leave for the summer to ensure your software doesn’t stop working in November.

Windows 7
Microsoft has announced that it will no longer provide security updates to any Windows 7 computers that have not installed a required security update by July 2019. This security patch is available now. Please run all required Windows Updates on your Windows computer(s) before July. This is especially critical for those who will be away for the summer.

LTS will be upgrading all classroom computers to Windows 10 this summer and contacting departments to upgrade office computers between now and the end of 2019. Contact the Help Desk at if you would like to upgrade sooner than later.

Google Team Drives is being renamed to Shared Drives
In early June, the “Team Drives” feature of Google Drive will be renamed to “shared drives.” This change will not impact Team Drives functionality; it is simply a name change. However, if you have any desktop shortcuts that link to content inside of shared drives, you will need to update the links. Please contact the Computing Help Desk with any questions at

Updated Process for Requesting Support For Technology Projects
Any faculty or staff member planning a technology project at Wellesley College, including plans to engage with external service providers or products, must submit a request to LTS before beginning the project. The College does not guarantee support for products or services purchased without prior approval.

To start the request process, please submit a Technology Project Request Form, available on the LTS home page under For Faculty and For Staff. Previously, requests were made by submitting a Help Desk ticket. We hope you find the new Google Form version easy to use.

We understand that not all requests require the level of detail in the request form. Please skip any questions that are not applicable to your request, or for which you don’t have the information at this time. You don’t have to do extensive research before engaging with this process. Filling out a request form while the project scope is still forming will enable you to connect with the most appropriate LTS staff and resources.