While the COVID-19 pandemic has created numerous challenges for all of us, LTS remains committed to making sure that course materials–books, journal articles, films–are available to students, faculty, and staff.
Generally, copyright law still applies, even during a pandemic. Please refer to our copyright policy and Copyright FAQs. However, U.S. copyright law with its provision for “fair use” is well equipped to provide the flexibility necessary for the vast majority of remote learning needed at this time. Please contact Graham Henderson with specific questions about Fair Use.
Because of the COVID-19 situation, some vendors and publishers are providing enhanced access to resources. A full list can be found here. For example, the Internet Archive has created a National Emergency Library that, for a limited period, makes available books still under copyright.
The copyright policy follows the law on the use of films, making a clear distinction between educational and all other use. Educational or “classroom” use means that:
- The use must be by instructors or by students.
- The use is part of the curriculum for a specific course and is confined to members in a discrete course or other teaching activity.
- The entire audience is involved with the teaching activity.
- The showing takes place in a classroom or other instructional venue such as Wellesley’s Zoom, and the participants should be instructed not to record such showings.
- The video is lawfully made; the person responsible has no reason to believe that the video was not lawfully made.
Any other film showing is considered a public performance, and public performance rights must be secured. That it may be an “educational” film, (e.g., a documentary), or the film is not advertised, or only being shown to members of the College community, or that admission is not being charged does not remove it from “public performance” status, and public performance rights must be secured in advance unless the film was licensed with such rights included.
If you need items not already available in electronic form, please email acquisitions@wellesley.edu or contact a subject specialist. If you have questions about the use of copyrighted materials, please contact Graham Henderson.