October is National CyberSecurity Awareness Month! For security tips, including tips on staying secure while teaching, learning, and working remotely, visit www.wellesley.edu/security.

Remember to protect the privacy of your personal and professional information. Don’t allow family and friends to use your college-owned devices for personal use, and never share your passwords with anyone. Not even your guinea pig. 

Staying secure while working remotely. Protect the privacy of your personal and professional information. Don't allow family and friends to use your college-owned devices for personal use, and never share your passwords with anyone. Note even your guinea pig. Image of a guinea pig is shown.

To: Everyone
From: Lori Parmet, LTS, lparmet@wellesley.edu
More info: Help Desk, LTS,
helpdesk@wellesley.edu or 781-283-3333 (faculty/staff); 781-283-7777 (students)