Google is making a couple changes this fall. 

Security Update to Google Drive in September 2021

On September 13th, 2021, Google will begin applying a security update to all files in Google Drive.  This update will make files more secure. Often we share files with users who may not have any interest in accessing the shared files. This update will scan the sharing settings of all files in Drive, and for any user who has not visited the file, it will disable the original link that you shared with them. If a user clicks on the original link after this update, they will not be able to access the file, but they will be prompted to request access from the owner.

Google will begin notifying you starting July 23rd if you have any files that will be affected by this update. For more details see their blog post.

You do not need to take any action because of  this update, but you may receive file access requests via email from people who are viewing your shared files for the first time.  You can then either approve or deny the access request from within the email.

Google Hangouts Transition to Chat

Starting on August 16th, Google will begin transitioning its chat app from Hangouts to Chat, and complete this transition by the end of 2021.  During the week of August 16th, the default chat app within Gmail will switch from Hangouts to Chat.  All data in Hangouts will be migrated to Chat, so no data will be lost during this transition.

You do not need to take any action, but if you want to continue using the old Hangouts chat, you can use until it is disabled in late 2021. The new Chat can also be accessed via or their mobile iOS and Android apps. For more details see Google’s Chat website.

For more information, contact the Help Desk at or 781-283-3333.