We have two security-related announcements.
Duo Two-Factor Authentication
The Senior Leadership and the Advisory Committee on Library and Technology Policy have approved a policy requiring all faculty and staff to adopt two-factor authentication to help combat increasing cyberattacks, such as phishing. LTS will soon launch a plan to assist the faculty and staff to begin using Duo, an easy-to-use two-factor authentication system. The goal is for all administrative staff to sign up by Aug. 30, 2017. Duo two-factor authentication will be required to use Google Apps and Workday accounts after this date. LTS will contact department managers to arrange staff enrollment by department.
Faculty and all 9- and 10-month employees will be contacted in the Fall after the semester is underway. More about Duo: http://www.wellesley.edu/lts/duo
However, you don’t have to wait! If you would like to enroll sooner (highly encouraged!), please contact the Help Desk or request to be enrolled.
Removing accounts for Staff who have left the College
At the end of May, we will delete Google Apps accounts of staff who left the College more than 6 months ago. The accounts of staff who are alumnae or members of the President’s Club will remain open.
This process includes deleting emails, calendar, and any files they own in Google Drive. If you think there may be files owned by staff who have left the College that are still in use, please contact the Help Desk for information on transferring them to current staff.
Going forward, each month we will delete accounts of staff members 6 months after they leave the College. To ensure a smooth transition when staff leave, make sure all data owned by the departing staff member is transferred from their account prior to their departure.
Let us know if you have questions about either of these updates.