We configured the Zoom videoconferencing system to log users out after 24 hours from the initial login. This was suggested as a best practice to avoid unintended consequences from leaving a Zoom session open for too long. However, recently we rolled out Zoom Phone and since this 24 hour logout also applies to phone users, they have been required to login every day. Forgetting to do this results in missing important calls.
Therefore, effective Monday, May 17, we have removed this configuration and users will no longer need to sign in each day to host meetings and/or receive live phone calls. Your Zoom session will remain active until one logs out of Zoom or closes the Zoom app. Simply leaving a meeting will not require re-authentication.
Please note that this will not change Zoom’s automatic timeout of idle meetings, which will close meetings that a host forgot to close.
If you have any questions, please contact the LTS Computing Help Desk.
To: Everyone
From: Ravi Ravishanker, CIO & Associate Provost
More info: Computing Help Desk, x3333 (faculty/staff), x7777 (students)