Just a friendly reminder to submit your course reserves requests for the Spring 2014 semester. The sooner LTS receives your requests, the sooner we can order and/or process materials to ensure they will be available to your students by the requested date.
About the course reserves process, policies, and services: http://bit.ly/1cPapFs
LTS Course Reserves Contacts
- Art Library: Jeanne Hablanian, x2944, jhablani@wellesley.edu
- Music Library: Pamela Bristah, x2076, pbristah@wellesley.edu
- Clapp/Science/Astronomy Libraries: Laura Sherriff, reserves@wellesley.edu
- Video Reserves: Laura Sherriff, videoereserves@wellesley.edu
- Copyright: Graham Henderson, x3514, ghenders@wellesley.edu
To: Faculty
From: Veronica Brandstrader, LTS, x2171
More info: Laura Sherriff, LTS, x3758