Do you download information from the college directory? You will notice a small change in the coming week — you will be asked to log in before downloading information to Excel, whether you’re on-campus or off.

The easiest way to do this is to click the Login link before you enter your advanced search, enter your Wellesley domain username and password, close the login window, and conduct your search. At the bottom of your search results, you’ll see a Download to Excel option.

If you search first, then login, you will need to refresh the page with your search results to see the Download to Excel option. The login will timeout after 3 hours, and you will need to login again.

You’ll also notice additional language at the top of the screen about the allowed uses of directory data.

Users are prohibited from using information technology resources (including but not limited to: email, directory information, websites, and Google groups) in a manner that is construed by another as hateful, threatening or harassing, that otherwise might contribute to the creation of a hostile academic or work environment, or for purposes or uses that are commercial, including solicitation and mass communications intended to benefit private individuals.

To: Faculty, staff, students
From, more info, questions: Veronica Brandstrader, x2171, LTS